

You can send an email to paco at this domain.

If you want a wee bit more privacy, use PGP when sending me emails. You can find my key here or here, and its fingerprint is 9A6B6083AD9EFDC20EAF5CB35818130B8A6DBC03

I can also be reachable via IM on the Signal and XMPP networks. For Signal, if you know my phone number, feel free to contact. For XMPP, my handle is the same as my email above. I use OMEMO on all my devices. Here are the associated fingerprints:

20c62fac dfd0513e 6412744e fa525a2a
69ae8c74 46bff6f7 638509a3 9eda3a7f

029b942b 97f3d50d df357808 859cb6b4
40659f55 4d8b3fa1 4153c7c9 c3626a0d

17a86d1c 4b502ff8 f8171ef2 7516543b
bd6e65c2 069e09ce c03998ce d6337566

I use various SSH keys, you can find their public parts here. For what is worth, I sign that file with my PGP key. You can also use them to encrypt data for me.

Finally, I may sign some files using signify. The key used for that can be found here.